Mission trips to Guatemala
Julie Jacquez and a missions team gave chickens to a local La Union resident, Irma, so that she could sustain a reliable food source.
“Despite living in these conditions that most Americans can’t ever imagine, Irma is extremely grateful for everything she has. Her compassion is amazing and her heart so pure. She can teach us all to be content with the things we have and always show appreciation for the people that are placed in our lives. We can show love to every person we encounter.”
Our team focuses on coming alongside the long-term missionaries with which we have built relationships. The objective is to offer relief assistance to children and their families who were previously rescued and cared for at the Hope of Life Campus.
Alongside the long term missionaries on the ground, our goal is to equip and empower Guatemalans by delivering food bags and hygiene kits, along with providing hygiene education to impoverished villages. Routinely checking in on these families maintains the relationship between the missionaries and community members.

Accomplishments to date
Provided preventative medications and treatments for the needs of people in a rural mountainous village of southeastern Guatemala over a period of 3 trips and 19 teammates
Assisted in the rescue of a severely ill woman
Began a relationship with the village leaders and people
Developed relationships with neighboring villages by delivering food bags
Connected orphaned children either with extended family or in a blended family scenario
Provided hygiene education
Distributed 45 food bags
Distributed 350 hygiene bags
Distributed 180 period undies and 45 sports bras
264 people treated at a medical clinic
700 pounds of medicines and vitamins distributed to remote villages.
400 pounds of school supplies distributed to remote villages
200 bibles distributed
2 baby rescues
1 adult rescue
4 vacation bible schools
Ministry to the elderly