It all starts with YOU
Each year millions of people use their time and talents to contribute to the success of non-profits throughout the world. Here at e3kids international, each volunteer provides an amazing amount of time and energy to ensure the success of e3kids’ mission. From processing books for the libraries in Kenya to sharing the impact e3kids’ projects are having with guests at events and fairs, volunteers continue to shine. Without you, e3kids would not be able to accomplish all it does for the communities and schools in Kenya and Central America.
Looking to get involved?
Some of the current areas needing volunteers include:
Library Project - Help up process donated books that will be sent to Kenya, October 2023, El Salvador, January 2024 and Kenya July 2024.
Just Us Girls - Sort bras, hygiene and personal care products into kits that are given to vulnerable girls in our local area.
Water Project - Sort water beads and create packets for school and community groups
Sew dresses for girls. Join our sewing club and help dress our kids in Kenya!
Office/Admin - Cut stickers and hand out cards, label inventory, prep bags for shows
Giving time and talent to girls in need.
Making dresses for kids in Kenya