Thanks to our Lifesavers

To the families and individuals who supported our Kenyan communities during COVID-19, a global pandemic that plagued the world with a host of issues including food insecurity, access to medical care, and widespread economic turbulence —
our most sincere thank you.


LIFESAVERS - supporters who made a gift of $120 or more

In honor of Emily’s students
Ken and Diane Morrison
The Mallorys
The Laws Family
With prayers for Kenya
Wade and Kristen Hvizdak
Carol Albright
Chris and Cookie Baker
Brain and Emily King
In Honor of Royal Kids School Teachers
In Honor of Deliverance Church
First Assembly of God Church
Gerald and Pam Lehman
Andrew Felt
Jeffers Family
Lin Libengood
JoEllen Schadek
Magni Power Company
Carolyn Strand
Lisa Batchelder
Linnea Van Blarcum
Shirley Miller
The Turner Family
Nikki Caldwell
Sarah Law

And to the many others who gave generously.