Miracle in action
by Julie Jacquez
A lady approached our team to tell us of a friend who was bedridden and desperately wanted to be seen by a doctor. This sweet lady waited patiently for six hours at our medical clinic until we were able to break away so she could lead us through rugged terrain in the mountains to reach her sick friend. Our team hiked with a suitcase full of medical supplies with the mindset that we would be able to treat her. We arrived at her small hut made of straw and mud with dirt floors and realized that this twenty-three year old girl was in a dire situation. She would not make it unless she was taken immediately for intensive emergency treatment. The young lady had never left her small village in the mountains and was the sole caregiver for her little baby. She had to be convinced over and over that she was in a life or death situation and if she stayed, she would not be here to take care of her precious baby. Finally, a Guatemalan doctor and social worker persuaded her to allow us to call for an ambulance and an hour later medics arrived.
This situation, as devastating as it is, is so common in Guatemala. As heartbreaking as it was to see the disparity of this all, I was so encouraged by many things that took place. By the time the ambulance arrived there were around 50 people from the community gathered at her home to show their support. The ladies in the village said that they may not have anything to give, but they would do whatever they needed to help her. I was encouraged that we were able to offer her a tangible and physical need in her life that led us to be able to pray over her. This was the first step of building a relationship with this little community so that they are open to the gospel of Christ.
Providing life-saving assistance for a woman in critical condition.